Let's take a minute to think about logistics.
Okay, assume I do go into the woods and kill a deer. Further assume that I field dress that sumbitch and then drag him out of the woods. Question: will the deer blood ever come out of my leather seats?
Yes, I know your stereotypical hunter drives a truck. I'm not getting a truck. Not right now, anyway. And probably not for a few years.
I'm thinking plastic tarps. Cover the backseat or trunk, tape that stuff in place, and head for the nearest deer processor.
Note: know where the processors are before you start hunting in any area.
Also, lets think about dragging a deer. I'm thinking that the best hunting will be in places where few people go, right? Sounds logical. And most hunters don't go very far into the woods at all. If I can get a mile or two away from any roads or tracks, my odds are going to be better. However, dragging a hundred pounds or so of dead deer couldn't be fun. There has to be a solution or gadget for this, though.
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